Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Out and About: Vintage Finds at Sarah Moore's Textile Sale

As part of our adventuring, the hubs and I decided...or, rather, I decided I'd like to find some more vintage pieces for our house. So, when I found out that Sarah Moore was holding a vintage fabrics and textiles pop-up at her home in the South Downs, I thought I'd scoot along.

I must acknowledge here that I really do have a very patient husband. He gave up a rugby match for this outing. But that same patient husband is no good with a map.

For those of you who don't know, I'm learning to drive now at the grand old age of 28 and three quarters. So, in our little Fiat, complete with L plates, we set out, with hubs as navvy. And it was all going so well until we ended up turning onto a track; 'a short cut', said the hubs.

Cautiously, I continued along this track which became increasingly uneven and stony and exposed with each minute. Up and up and up we went, and the track turned into more of a path and the steep ridges meant that I grew too scared to go on. We haven't covered off-road driving in my lessons, you see.

"James!" I groan, "We're never going to get there. All the best fabrics will be gone!"

But with hubs in the driving seat, I can sit back and admire the sweeping vistas over the Downs. Our Fiat is still chugging and spluttering along the track and we pass several groups of walkers looking rather bemused by us. And it is at that point that I see a signpost ahead of us. And do you know what it says? 'South Downs Way'. Hubs is beside himself; the car is growling; and I'm just laughing, albeit very unhelpfully.

"Shall we not just go back and go back on the main road?" I ask.
"No," hubs replies, "I did off-road training a few years ago. It'll be fine". And all I'm thinking is how embarrassing this is going to be when the AA has to tow us down from the South Downs Way.

But, true to his word, after turning the air blue around us, James got us off the track and we arrived at the vintage sale in one piece (and a few days later we paid a very nice man at the garage to remove several boulder-like stones from underneath our car, but that's another story).

The setting of Sarah's house is lovely and idyllic. Think barns, a courtyard, antique fabrics sailing in the wind and children playing cricket on the lawn, and you have a fairly accurate picture. We wandered around the peaceful barn, perusing the selection of antique fabrics, floral wall papers, well-loved homewares, and one-off creations. Every nook and cranny was filled with some old treasure.

We hummed and hawed over an old headboard (only £35!) and I tried to justify the purchase of a very bright, busy floral wallpaper, but James glared warningly at me. He knows my impulsiveness all too well.

I really recommend having a clear idea about the sort of fabrics, textures and colours you are looking for before you enter the barn, as the choice can be mind boggling and you don't want to buy the wrong thing. In the end, after a contemplative cup of tea in the courtyard, we settled on some vintage Sanderson curtains, which will go up in our back bedroom, which has essentially become my den. No boys allowed.

Sarah holds regular events - including craft courses- at her home and, if you live in the local area, I thoroughly recommend going along. Just make sure you stay on the main road.

Sarah x

Oh dear...
Top Gear eat your heart out.
Grumpy, but we're here!!
The entrance to Sarah Moore's house in Sussex
Vintage home ware
Haberdasher's heaven
That lovely headboard.
Local woodwork.
Sussex Pimps. Not what they sound like...
A cup of contemplative tea...
Clutching my curtains. It's time to go home. A different way.
I'm wearing white jeans and cashmere jumper from The White Company and my favourite pink salt water sandals from Toast.

The curtains are now up in our back bedroom.

This photograph says it all :)


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