Friday, 5 April 2013

The Wedding Mags

I have a stack of wedding magazines - or 'wedding porn' as it is apparently termed - on my desk.

I imagine this is what every b2b (see, I'm even adopting bridal mag lingo now!) and I have spent a shameful amount on these publications.

One I would recommend is Your Perfect Wedding.

The lovely people at this magazine provide clear guidance and ideas for your wedding. I really didn't know what I should be doing first but this magazine provides a useful check list and time plan. There's also plenty of dress and décor inspiration to get your creative ideas flowing.

In case you're wondering, the first things you need to do are:
Establish a budget
Pick a date
Choose a location
Draw up a provisional guest list to give yourself some idea of numbers
Look for venues in your preferred location
The magazines all tell you to choose the venue before you begin to generate ideas, but I haven't done that.

I don't want to bend around the venue, I'd rather the venue bent around my ideas. Does that sound bridezilla-esque?

So, with that in mind, I have started keeping a scrapbook. I'm a traditional type, so cutting and sticking fills me with fond memories of sequins and raffia. It allows me to organise my ideas as they come to me and scribble down anything that pops to mind. I can hear the techno-brides out there tutting at this and mumbling something about an iPad, but there's something about having a tangible scrapbook that I find endearing. 

The one I use is a simple A5 'Fountain'(you might want to opt for A4 if you intend to stick in whole magazine pages) but A5 is easy to carry around.

I have organised my sections into the following categories:

Initial thoughts
Thoughts on the...
Guest list
Photographer (videography?)
Flowers (including bouquets)
Wedding rings
Mother of the bride
THE dress
Evening outfit?
Wedding list

Phew! Lots of categories, but already my scrap book is turning into a great way of formulating and editing my ideas. And it ties with a pretty ribbon too.

Do look in magazines; do use Pinterest; DO use your imagination.

So, if you're going to buy one thing today, make it a scrapbook. Pour yourself a cup of tea and get cutting and sticking. Enjoy!


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