Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Beyoncé Dazzles at the Brits in THAT Green Dress

Did you watch The Brits last week? Of course you did. 

Did you swoon when Beyoncé took to the stage in THAT dress? Abso-bloody-lutely!

The dazzling emerald dress looked electric and Mrs Carter was every inch the Goddess of Music.  

No stranger to the sequin, Beyoncé challenged the opinion that all over sequins belong on Joan Collins circa 1978. And good for her, too.

It makes me so sad to see vintage glittering dresses and tops stranded on the rails of charity shops. I rejoiced when the sequin dress made a come back two years ago, but my elation was marred by the fact that the majority of dresses were fashioned from dull non-shiny sequins. I know we're in the age of austerity - but what sort of message does it send? Wear sequins, but make sure they don't sparkle. Make sure they look like they've lost their lustre and vivacity. Symbolise a generation. Bleurgh. 

Fashion and politics are intrinsically linked, so Mr Cameron and Mr Osborne should consider making more of it in their speeches. 

I long for the good old days of velvet and taffeta a la Laura Ashley - I'm sure life was all sunshine and garden parties then! 

So, Mrs Jay Z, I applaud and thank you for bringing sequins that sparkle back into our lives. I can't wait to see Theresa May and Harriet Harman sporting them...

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